Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Day 13: Herziliya to Kfar Serkin

We bussed it ahead to Herziliya (after having already done the Netanya section with the Forgotten People Fund) and slept on the beach, which was refreshing and beautiful (save the sand lice that made my forehead look diseased). There’s nothing like a morning dip in the Mediterrean Sea to make someone not want to have to walk 25kilometers that day.

And well, we didn’t.

Brandon had a terrible case of nausea and had to drop out almost immediately and Bradley had a nasty case of food poisoning, even collapsing on the beach as he tried to make it to the water. He took some medicine and had a nap for about two hours before declaring himself ready and able to go. We got about 6k in when he casually exclaimed “One second, guys” and proceeded to throw up all over himself and the road. Food poisoning and dehydration are a pretty bad combination, so we had to throw in the towel and get a ride to our next destination and best trail angel yet in Kfar Serkin near Petah Tikva. The grandfather of the man we stayed with founded the town in 1934, and his grandson had the best hospitality of anyone we’ve met thus far. They had warm showers, drove us to the store, and even cooked us dinner and breakfast.

I took a few chocolate chip cookies for the road as we headed for Mitzpe Modi’in and our next camping spot.


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